Play CLC Admin
Feb 25
This corporate life: The human side of collaboration - why it’s harder than it looks
Originally posted on The Listener Magazine: There is more to business collaboration than spirited brainstorming sessions and the liberal...
If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.
Peter Drucker
We're a collaborative hub of thinkers and doers deeply invested in innovative approaches to systemic, organisational and personal transformation.
We do this through a number of contemporary approaches to research, culture transformation and leadership development in ways that are insightful, experiential and challenging.
We collaborate with organisations who sense a cultural shift is required in order for them to move forward to a desired future. This usually first entails a diagnostic phase to sense underlying beliefs and patterns of behaviour, and allow key players to share their own observations and reflections, from there we co-design initiatives that can flex and adapt to the emerging culture.
We offer a number of leadership and professional development experiences that aim to open up the participant's worldview of themselves, others, organisations and the world around them. These small group experiences are curated to appreciate commonalities as well as diverse ways of being in the world.
Because the leadership culture caps the potential of the organisation's impact, we work with lead teams in a way that frees up unhelpful group patterns and individual roadblocks, which ultimately allows more visionary ways of being to emerge.
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a lifetime of conversation.